Printed in Belgium by Imprimerie de Meester, Wetteren, with Georgian text and index lithographed by White-Smith music press co., Boston
The index is paged with Georgian numerials
Includes the text of the originals with English translation
The Georgian text was copied from the "Shatberd codex", ms. 1141 in the library of the Obshchestvo rasprostranenii͡a gramotnostī sredī gruzīn, Tiflis
"Table of abbreviations": p. [98]
Microfilm. Chicago : University of Chicago Library, 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm
2007-03-09 23:32:44
Blake, Robert P. (Robert Pierpont), 1886-1950; Vis, Henri de; Obshchestvo rasprostranenii͡a gramotnostī sredī gruzīn, Tiflis. Bīblioteka. Manuscript 1141